Sunday, July 25, 2010
Reflection 10
Every year I face several challenges in college. The assignments are quite diverse and I have to seek different ways in order to accomplish my “missions.” This year was not different.
I was not used to working in computer, especially using it to make research and create programs to explain some assignments and fulfill the class requirements.
New things showed up and I had to learn them to improve my work quality, i.e., I had to create a blog where I put aside my information related to the class. Another thing that was new and worked out was the LIVETEXT.
Every week I had reflection-assignment papers, where I had to analyze some topics given by the teacher, making sure that they didn’t have any plagiarism, and to do this, I had to submit them into TURNITIN.COM, a web site that was used in order to check for plagiarism. It’s interesting for many students are refrained to make things on an “illegal” way.
In spite of being so hard, for I had too much things to do every week, I had learned many things especially in terms of technology, for I was always required to use the computer and make several research, that have contributed to open my mind and to improve my knowledge, furthermore, by doing my reflection papers, I learned to think, to work on a constructivist way, which promotes more interaction between students, teachers and the topics discussed in class.
Another thing that was new for me, was the power point presentation. I was required to create power point presentations to explain in class a result of the fulfillment of the class requirements. Very interesting, very useful. But the “boom” of my experience in this class, was the digital story I had to tell. Amazing! I use this method to show the importance of the technology in schools and in life in general. Besides this method makes it easy, I was surprised at myself, for the special effects and the music behind the images, gave the work a “touch of class,” making the work good and brilliant on the way of learning.
Yes, my experience in this class was full of good things, and I hope I can put them in practice in my future as a teacher.
Reflection 9
I remember when I was a student in the elementary school. We had to search the issues given by the teacher in libraries, encyclopedias, and a infinite number of book and magazines. Even the teacher had to make a research in order to minister the class and be prepared to assist the students and answer the questions that arrived.
But the things, the times have been changed. Nowadays, the technology just showed up to make the things work out on an easy way. There is nothing that the teachers cannot explore in seconds. In a spur of moment, images, information, animated images and a lot of stuff just show up to help the teacher and the students in the development of the process of education. It’s impossible to imagine ourselves living without things like cable TV, and the fast data from the internet. And people always seek for more alternatives in life, to improve the quality of life. And the peacock tail feathers, the possibilities are growing up before our eyes, everyday.
And for the sake of the educational process, the access of some data is limited for students. It means, some information is available only for the teachers and educational organizations, and it has a good reason. Many students, happily not all of them, try to cut and paste the information they have access, without putting them under quotation. It is called plagiarism, and it is a wrong and dishonest way to “learn” something. By using the resources of the technology, teachers easily find the work of plagiarism with almost no margin of error.
Every school should equip itself with technology. It is time to take some advantage of this resource and to equip our schools in order to improve and enlarge the ways of better education and instruction.
And it should be quickly, for there are teacher that don’t accept students work if they don’t do it and present it electronically, and through the way where they can verify if the research was plagiarized or not.
Well, technology is arrived and works strongly around. Let’s make it work out in our lives.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Reflection 8
When we talk about education, we have to have in mind the process of human development that means the purpose, goals and ideals to be reached. In other words, how a person can improve his/her quality of life, applying what he/she assimilated through the educational process and this constitutes the philosophy of education. Where, one wants to arrive after all.
Some teachers have as their educational philosophy, what they can gain on their own experiences, or what they can improve themselves, or even how much money they can earn as “educators.” This is such of poor goal in life. By acting like that, they become not educators or teachers, but liars.
Education is more than information storms, it is a social relationship, an interaction, where we can learn and share our experiences with the others, as a result, there will be a social growth, a production of citizens with skills to build up a world more organized with solid families and communities.
There are some approaches in educational philosophy, which are seen in classrooms, according to the teachers’ convenience. Let’s talk a little bit about them.
The first one of them is that where the teachers just give information, principles that cannot be changed. Simply they present “truths” that are premises, according to them, and that is it. The students don’t have the opportunity to think, to analyze and to build something. They call it, Perennialism.
The second one is very close to the first one. Although, those who advocate this type of approach say that the principles might be changed, the students are trained to read, to write and to speak, but according to the information they received. This perspective is called Essentialism.
The third one is more open. This approach guides the students to be more progressive, so, the name is Progressivism. On this way, students are trained to think, to explore, to formulate questions, to solve problems, to share experiences and learn through them. The goal is how they can learn by their own way and what kind of the individuals they can become.
The last one, and this is my philosophy of education, is the Critical Theory. This approach leads to social development, exploring the potential that each human being has inside and how they might improve their own and other’s life. The teacher is not a gun that “vomits” information, but one that leads the students to create, to grow, to invent a new life. They are prepared to deal with any difficult situations and to solve problems by different ways.
Reflection 7
Telling a story is an art. Telling a story that may illustrate some message, some lesson is an art too, but telling a story by using digital resources is a very useful art to communicate.
This is a way where music, voice, characters, experiences, situations, images are put together, getting the attention from the people to whom it will be showed.
Usually a digital story is presented in first person, using the storyteller own voice, combining images with music and special effects. It is a chance of using the Twenty First Century resources of technology and skills on communication. It is interesting, it is inspiring, and amazing. Furthermore, it contributes in the process of learning.
It is not easy to construct a digital story. The storyteller needs to know, to set what kind of story he/she will tell, the purpose and its goals. The images, the sound track, the video edition should be chose carefully, not to be presented a kind of poor work. When we use audio visual effects, we have to create things that call and keep the attention of people.
There are some elements that should be observed when we create a digital story, and these elements are related to the content of the digital story and to the technical skills to make its construction.
Stories must start from a point of view that will be presented. They are not a simple presentation of facts and ideas. It’s something like to cast a vision, or a point and then it goes forth.
A question is important too. If we want to get the attention of people, a question must be in the beginning, and it must be answered in the end.
In order to call the people’s attention, we have to explore their emotions. So, the images, the music, the special effects, the voice, all of these must to be directed to shake the emotions and as a result, the attention will be captivated.
The voice is very important. The way you tell the digital story, the emphasis you apply to the voice makes the difference, as the images are being presented.
We have to remember that the right music is related to the emotions and attention. It contributes tremendously to make the body of the story.
The time the story will be presented is essential too. Be careful with the details not to make people saturated about the topic. After take these points in consideration, let’s make the people enjoy the digital story that we created.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Reflection 6
Let’s make the world a classroom. Telecollaborative learning we can say, it is a cooperative learning on a better way.
Those small groups that work on cooperative way, in a class room, now can expand the discussion with the other groups around the world. By using internet, phone, TV, skype and other electronic means of communication, students can reach other students in different and distant locations.
If in cooperative way they can express their differences and learn through them, in this kind of learning they are challenged to do the best. What an opportunity to exchange ideas and feelings. This modern world offers to us a sort of ways to share, to learn and to improve our lives.
The other day I was talking with a friend, who lives in Japan. We were separated by a long distance and time, but we could see each other in a real time through the web cam. Putting this on learning, on school ways, how many ways the students have to improve their knowledge?! They can organize on line projects, collect information and solve problems electronically. They make the world a big classroom.
Different cultures, different ideas, different ways to reach the solution to any situation. This interaction open frontiers and break barriers. Geography became just a piece of land where we can meet people and share with them our ideas, also receive their opinions. Of course, everything is supported by a teacher or advisor.
Telecollaborative learning creates a perspective on learning about the world we live in. By using technology, the students can see a problem on different angles, knowing that the same problem we face on a certain place is faced in a distant part of the world, but in a different reality.
Of course, in a project like this, there are some challenges, i.e., some students don’t have access to a computer or other electronic device. Language might be another problem, for unfortunately this is still a big challenge in the world.
The advisor must be alert no to keep the focus and the objectives of the topics, avoiding leaving the students alone, for they can lose the reason of why they are trying to interact.
In spite of the appearance of the challenges, the benefits that the students can get from this type of learning are tremendous, more powerful than the benefits they can get from the cooperative learning.
Keep going! This is a new world, and new ways to learn, to improve, to develop knowledge. In learning, the best are only the good. Tomorrow new horizons will show up.
Reflection 5
Cooperative learning is not different. The students learn to work together and find together a solution for an assignment. They are able to discuss, to share abilities, to search for ways, even different ones, to improve their learning, their knowledge. It is related to constructivist way. Teachers, instead of presenting some issue, they make the students work in small groups, where each one has the opportunity to express the own idea or comment about what is being studied. The interesting thing in this kind of learning is that the more they acquire experiences, the most they share them in future groups. The learning is thoroughly useful and effective. Sometimes it is necessary an individual research or work, but it has been showed that work in cooperation is very effective.
This kind of technique has been developed and increased along the years. The benefits are evident. First of all, the diversity. Different kinds of people are present and the integration is very useful, for many answers show up and it is a great opportunity to reflect on someone else knowledge. Besides this difference among several types of people, we can see cultural diversity, and, of course, diverse points of view. It makes the final product comprehensive.
Another benefit is that the students can improve their sociability through accountability. Sharing their opinions, experiences, they also improve their social relationship and skills.
But, what is the teacher’s role in class when students are working? He/she needs to alert to some difficulty that can show up. So, he teacher has to give support, guidance and notice when some student is just being “carried” by the others, that means, he/she doesn’t work and take advantage of the others. So, by creating clear questions and situations, he stimulates the students to seek their goals. It’s important to observe that the teacher gives some guidance, but the students must work and find the solution and answers.
Cooperative , also called collaborative type of learning helps the students believe in themselves, and as a result, they will produce more and more to their own development, their improvement in knowledge and relationship. If it occurs, who needs evaluation?
A different kind of mule
We can not but chuse to hear
Cite Soleil
June 24, 2010 5:33 AM
For Frederico Garcia Lorca
July 8, 2010 5:54 AM
For Black Arthur Blythe
Friday, July 2, 2010
My name is Solange Malavazi, married. I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My family and I (only with my oldest son) came to US in October 1992, but my younger son born here in September 1994. I am the oldest of 3 sisters. My middle sister (which are in College), lives here in Miami since 1993, with her husband and 2 daughters which are also in College. My youngest sister lives in Brazil with her husband and one son, and my parent as well. I went to school in Brazil and complete my high school in 1983, which was long, long time ago. I started College, but stopped to get married on 1984(first marriage). I am a mother of 2 handsome guys, which are my life. The oldest is a “Marine”, with 21 years old, and the youngest is 16 years old, still in high school. I got married for the second time here in 2003 (my now husband, used to be my” sweet heart” in 1980 in Brazil).I met him here after 23 years, because he was doing his “Master” at Andrews University, in Chicago. I speak Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Italian( completing now my fourth language), which I enjoy very much. Also, I love to teach, I feel that teaching is part of my entire life. I think it is in my blood. When I was in my country, I used to teach young kids, 6 years old, first grade. I can remember like was today, their faces looking at me and absorbing everything I was trying to teach them. I taught for 10 years, I really miss that. So, I got a chance to build my carrier over here, I know seems late, but here I am, trying really hard. I want to make my family proud of me!! They deserve my best, Always!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Reflection 4
A picture of the constructivist method, if not the same thing. Inquiry learning is thoroughly different from the conventional learning, where the teacher fill the mind of the students with a lot of information, make them memorize those topics and they have to be able to answer the questions in an evaluation, sometimes, with the same words they learned them.
Inquiry is quite different approach. The students have to work as a team to solve some situations presented by the teacher. It’s important to observe that the teacher does not give any answer, especially when the students are working. Meanwhile, if they have some difficulties to start their job, teachers can give some examples or can guide them to have a North, however they, the students have to find some solution. This is the scaffolding strategy to help them to build their own “knowledge house.”
On this way, teachers are not a recipient of wisdom and knowledge, but those who will make the things easier to be learned.
It is easy for a teacher to fill his/her classes with topics and definitions. But what about the learning process? On a constructivist view, the inquiry method comes to open minds and construct results. The scientists do like this. They search, and analyze and seek results, and by doing like that, their knowledge grows, their minds are developed and as a result, they, by themselves, end up traveling through new discoveries.
On the education process, or in any situation in life, there is a target to be reached. Sometimes it is very uncertain and the open lessons are the best way to find the way to get the goal. On the traditional way of teaching, the students simply are required to follow the master, just as part of a machine. They cannot confront ideas or deal with problems. On that way it is what it is, and that’s it. But, by using the open lessons or learning method, which is connected to constructivist or inquiry learning, teachers can motivate the students to interact socially, for they will learn to work as team, giving contribution, giving in and don’t giving up. In fact they will learn to face facts, and it might be a challenge for them, but it will contribute to make them grow in knowledge.
The best thing in this method is that the ways to be used to find the final solution will be set by the students themselves and not by the teachers. So, the growth is sure.
Reflection 3
Let’s talk about food. If we eat the same food on the same way every day, the time will come that our taste will not accept that food anymore. If we eat rice and beans every day, or beef with mashed potatoes and gravy every day, our body will lack certain kinds of vitamin and things which are necessary for our health.
The same way occurs with education. If a teacher uses the same method every day, i.e. just giving information, at a certain time his/her classes will not have the desired effect of learning. The classes will become boring and the students will not assimilate the information any more.
It is necessary vary and create new methods of teaching, try to make the students interact and take their own lessons.
There are teachers that just use what is conventional. They only give information, and the students have to follow what the teacher says, so, the learning is based only on the direct direction of the teacher. And the teacher expects just an answer, a direct answer from his/her students, maybe exactly what is written on his guide book.
Educators have created the constructivist method of teaching plan, where the students depart from theories to practice. It involves participation from the part of teacher interacting with the students. By discussing some issue, students have the opportunity to construct knowledge based on their own experiences. Knowledge will be constructed under relationship between the teacher and learners.
The teacher creates a situation with questions, and divides the classes in groups to discuss the issue. He/she offers guidance and examples about how the situation can be solved. This is called scaffolding ways or strategies. Then, every student has a chance to explain his/her ideas about what is in study. They are not mere containers of information. Their attention was captured, and they work together to solve the problem presented, by investigating and discussing. It is important to notice that despite the teacher guides them, the students have the responsibility to find the solution.
In the end, teachers can evaluate their students on the basis of skills and response. It has been demonstrated that this method is very useful in education, but teachers have to be aware that it demands a little more attention in planning. However, the hours spent in planning, will be compensate in class.
Reflection 2
Education is a process that goes on different ways of progress. When the lesson plans were implanted, it was received as an effective tool for the teachers. The Behaviorist and the Constructivist methods are different but both are important to guide the students in the educational process. The teacher is free to make his/her choice to use that one which is more suitable, depending on the topic or subject to teach.
The Behaviorist Lesson Plan provides to students information that must be memorized, understood and assimilate.
The process is passive, where the students get some knowledge from what they received without own experience. They just receive the information because it exists. It is kind of “follow me” method of teaching. Somebody else has the information, and it is transmitted from generations to generations. The approach is concerned with changes in behavior. Usually the activities are, reading, reviewing, analyzing what is provided, i.e. text, material, book etc. In the end a test is applied to demonstrate how much was assimilated. Bellow an example of a Behaviorist Lesson Plan format. It may vary from school to school, from teacher to teacher.
Purpose and Objective – What the students will be able to do, to learn from the material
Input – the vocabulary, the skills they need to know.
Guided practice – the teacher leads the students all the time. They can’t go out of that guide
Checking for Understanding – The teacher is always observing to see if they are following his/her steps
Review – check it out to fix the concepts on mind
Test – An evaluation is applied to test their knowledge.
The Constructivist Lesson Plan is more participative. The students can learn by their own experiences. The teacher creates situations where the students can use creativity to solve problems. The process is more active and more effective, for the students not only receive information, but also they can discuss the issue and they can make their own conclusion. The teacher formulate questions that lead the students for discussion and they are encouraged to build questions in order to develop their capacity of thinking. This method is very , very effective. Let’s see some points that are presented in this kind of lesson plan.
Situation – created by the teacher for the students to explain
Grouping – students and material
Bridge – it connects what they know to what they will discover
Questions – to guide them to discussion
Explanation – they have a chance to explain what they are learning
Reflection – what kind of lessons were learned during the discussion
As we saw in reflection #1, both methods have their value in the process of education, it depends on the type of subject that is being presented in class.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Reletion 1
Who needs a lesson plan? Every teacher does, that’s the answer.
If one wants to build a bridge or a tower, a plan, a very careful plan is needed. A teacher, in order to have a successful class, in order to have make his/her students learn some lesson, in order to communicate it, he/she needs a plan, strategies to reach the students’ minds. One thing is to know about something, (and teaches know a lot about many things), and another thing is to know how to communicate that knowledge.
The more the teacher makes a lesson plan, the most a professional he/she will become.
There is no one best way or a magic trick to make a lesson plan. We always have to get improvements. The important thing is to organize content, material and methods.
The most lesson plans contain learning objectives, instructional goals and procedures, material to be used and how the students will be evaluated.
There are various theories on lesson plan. On this paper we will consider some of them.
Behaviorist Lesson Plan – This method of lesson plan comes from the psychological school Behaviorism, that started with John Watson, and it was a psychological method of observing the acquisition of a behavior based on environmental conditions.
The teacher traces his/her plan on what is immediate. The objectives are presented to observe behaviors, actions on the bases of a designated material. The focus is presentation and reception. The students need to absorb the material, read it, and practice it. In the end, the students will be evaluated. Everything is written by the teacher, not to miss the focus.
Constructivist Lesson Plan – This method of lesson plan has the goal of guide the students to make decisions, to think and to “construct” their own understanding, based on their experiences.
The teacher plan is to create activities in class in order to make the students interact, to seek their own definitions and apply them. Usually the teacher put in the plan: a creation of a situation that calls the students attention. The method to be used is grouping of students to appreciate the material, and questions to lead the discussion. The objective of this is to create a bridge between what they are learning and what they have already known about the presented issue. The final goal is a personal reflection about what was discussed and the lessons that were learned and how to apply them in life.
This type of plan might be changed to be adapted to any different situations.
Both lesson plans are important, for some times rules must be followed, that means some times the teacher have to follow a program and present unchangeable concepts, and sometimes he/she can be more flexible and make the students grow in interaction, it depends on the issue to be presented.
A different kind of Mule
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Reflection 2
The process of Education is developed on various ways. When the lesson plans were implanted, it was received as an effective tool for the teachers. The Behaviorist and the Constructivist methods are different but both are important to guide the students in the educational process. The teacher is free to make his/her choice to use that one which is more suitable, depending on the topic to be presented.
The Behaviorist Plan presents information, which the students must memorize, understand and assimilate.
The process is passive, where the students get some knowledge from what they received without own experience. They just receive the information because it exists. It is kind of “follow me” method of teaching. Somebody else has the information, and it is transmitted from generations to generations. The approach is concerned with changes in behavior. Usually the activities are, reading, reviewing, analyzing what is provided, i.e. text, material, book etc. In the end a test is applied to demonstrate how much was assimilated. Bellow an example of a Behaviorist Lesson Plan format. It may vary from school to school, from teacher to teacher.
Purpose and Objective – What the students will be able to do, to learn from the material
Input – the vocabulary, the skills they need to know.
Guided practice – the teacher leads the students all the time. They can’t go out of that guide
Checking for Understanding – The teacher is always observing to see if they are following his/her steps
Review – check it out to fix the concepts on mind
Test – An evaluation is applied to test their knowledge.
The Constructivist Plan involves more participation. The students will absorb the lessons by using their experiences. The teacher creates situations where the students can use creativity to solve problems. The process is more active and more effective, for the students not only receive information, but also they can discuss the issue and they can make their own conclusion. The teacher formulate questions that lead the students for discussion and they are encouraged to build questions in order to develop their capacity of thinking. This method is very , very effective. Let’s see some points that are presented in this kind of lesson plan.
Situation – created by the teacher for the students to explain
Grouping – students and material
Bridge – it connects what they know to what they will discover
Questions – to guide them to discussion
Explanation – they have a chance to explain what they are learning
Reflection – what kind of lessons were learned during the discussion
As we saw in reflection #1, both methods have their value in the process of education, it depends on the type of subject that is being presented in class.