Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reletion 1


Who needs a lesson plan? Every teacher does, that’s the answer.
If one wants to build a bridge or a tower, a plan, a very careful plan is needed. A teacher, in order to have a successful class, in order to have make his/her students learn some lesson, in order to communicate it, he/she needs a plan, strategies to reach the students’ minds. One thing is to know about something, (and teaches know a lot about many things), and another thing is to know how to communicate that knowledge.
The more the teacher makes a lesson plan, the most a professional he/she will become.
There is no one best way or a magic trick to make a lesson plan. We always have to get improvements. The important thing is to organize content, material and methods.
The most lesson plans contain learning objectives, instructional goals and procedures, material to be used and how the students will be evaluated.
There are various theories on lesson plan. On this paper we will consider some of them.
Behaviorist Lesson Plan – This method of lesson plan comes from the psychological school Behaviorism, that started with John Watson, and it was a psychological method of observing the acquisition of a behavior based on environmental conditions.
The teacher traces his/her plan on what is immediate. The objectives are presented to observe behaviors, actions on the bases of a designated material. The focus is presentation and reception. The students need to absorb the material, read it, and practice it. In the end, the students will be evaluated. Everything is written by the teacher, not to miss the focus.
Constructivist Lesson Plan – This method of lesson plan has the goal of guide the students to make decisions, to think and to “construct” their own understanding, based on their experiences.
The teacher plan is to create activities in class in order to make the students interact, to seek their own definitions and apply them. Usually the teacher put in the plan: a creation of a situation that calls the students attention. The method to be used is grouping of students to appreciate the material, and questions to lead the discussion. The objective of this is to create a bridge between what they are learning and what they have already known about the presented issue. The final goal is a personal reflection about what was discussed and the lessons that were learned and how to apply them in life.
This type of plan might be changed to be adapted to any different situations.
Both lesson plans are important, for some times rules must be followed, that means some times the teacher have to follow a program and present unchangeable concepts, and sometimes he/she can be more flexible and make the students grow in interaction, it depends on the issue to be presented.

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